Friday 25 May 2012

Picnic times

For this project, I have made a picnic scene. Papa bear and baby bear each holding a burger in their hands sitting on a red checkered picnic mat. There is a plate of croissants plus cross buns and another plate of doughnuts.Well, as I am still not skillful enough. The burgers, croissants, cross buns and doughnuts are actually made by mold. But I did made the two french breads inside the picnic basket. I had wanted to add in more food for this project. However, I think it will be pretty comical to see a turkey, crab or fish in a picnic. So I decided not to. 

This basket is maybe the forth or fifth one that I have made. The previous ones were either too big or look funny. This one is just the right size I feel. I have learnt this from the youtube as well. Since there are so many food, there have to be beverages. So I have also made two Starbucks drink.

Picnic times

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