Friday 18 May 2012

Baby bear in the crib

This next project is inspired by my son. A year plus ago, he was still trying to learn to stand up in his crib while biting his pacifier and waiting for his milk. And now he is running around the whole house like a monkey.....haha...How time flies...

This crib is similar to the one my son is using. However, there are much more soft toys in my son's crib compared to this one. Now his crib has already been transformed into a storeroom for his toys. Coz he is sleeping in between me and my hubby. The Elmo in this project is definitely my son favourite character. He has one Elmo which is a bit similar to this. Also, I have made a small basket beside the crib to keep the pampers. As for the floor mat this time, I have decided to try out a new idea. I made a colourful jigsaw puzzle playmat. 

There is a two drawer cabinet on top of which I had placed some baby products like baby powder, shower foam, lotion and a packet of baby wet tissue. For the lampshade, I used small colourful transparent beads and a cut out dolphin design paper. The last thing I added to this project is the pink baby mobile right on top of the crib. This is pretty time consuming just like the puzzle playmat that I have made.

Baby bear in the crib

The full view 

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