Friday 25 May 2012

Paper clay food

After research from the tutorials on youtube, I tried to make something challenging this time. I make food like pizza, turkeys, fish, crab .....The very first one I did is the pizza. For the pizza toppings, I have added tomato slices, ham, cubed beefs, pepperoni, olives and some greens. My second try was the turkey. The turkey is much more simpler than the pizza. The sauce for the turkey is made by adding brown chalk pastels to some glaze and drizzle this all over the turkey. To made the turkey look more realistic, I have placed small carrots and lemon slices to it.

Then I went on to make crabs. The most difficult part of the crab to make is the legs. Lastly I made the fish. As this is my first attempt to make food, maybe may not be that good. But I believe with continue practise, I can do better. Some of these food will be incorporated into my next new paper clay project. Stay tuned to find out......

Paper clay food

Picnic times

For this project, I have made a picnic scene. Papa bear and baby bear each holding a burger in their hands sitting on a red checkered picnic mat. There is a plate of croissants plus cross buns and another plate of doughnuts.Well, as I am still not skillful enough. The burgers, croissants, cross buns and doughnuts are actually made by mold. But I did made the two french breads inside the picnic basket. I had wanted to add in more food for this project. However, I think it will be pretty comical to see a turkey, crab or fish in a picnic. So I decided not to. 

This basket is maybe the forth or fifth one that I have made. The previous ones were either too big or look funny. This one is just the right size I feel. I have learnt this from the youtube as well. Since there are so many food, there have to be beverages. So I have also made two Starbucks drink.

Picnic times

Friday 18 May 2012

Sunny day at the beach

This theme is sunny day at the beach. The papa bear is enjoying his sun tan on the beach chair while the baby bear is happily playing by himself on the sand. Beside them is a small round table on which I had made a Starbucks coffee and a juice. All are handmade except for the sea shelves and corals on the sand.

The sand is actually made by texturing the paper clay with a toothbrush. This project seems simple. However the beach chair and the sun shade took me quite some time.

Sunny day at the beach

Baby bear in the crib

This next project is inspired by my son. A year plus ago, he was still trying to learn to stand up in his crib while biting his pacifier and waiting for his milk. And now he is running around the whole house like a monkey.....haha...How time flies...

This crib is similar to the one my son is using. However, there are much more soft toys in my son's crib compared to this one. Now his crib has already been transformed into a storeroom for his toys. Coz he is sleeping in between me and my hubby. The Elmo in this project is definitely my son favourite character. He has one Elmo which is a bit similar to this. Also, I have made a small basket beside the crib to keep the pampers. As for the floor mat this time, I have decided to try out a new idea. I made a colourful jigsaw puzzle playmat. 

There is a two drawer cabinet on top of which I had placed some baby products like baby powder, shower foam, lotion and a packet of baby wet tissue. For the lampshade, I used small colourful transparent beads and a cut out dolphin design paper. The last thing I added to this project is the pink baby mobile right on top of the crib. This is pretty time consuming just like the puzzle playmat that I have made.

Baby bear in the crib

The full view 

Monday 7 May 2012

An overview of my projects

Below are the pics of my projects when compared to a AA battery. Each project is around the size of my palm and stands to a height of a AA battery or a bit higher.

Junk food times

This scene must be pretty familiar to all parents. The baby bear sitting right in front of the television snacking away on junk food like pizza, potato chips, ice-cream, chocolate, cakes ..... I had cut out pics of television screen and different junk food labels to glue them to the clay. So as to give a more three-dimensional effects. Personally, I feel that with the food labellings it looks more realistic.

Popcorn and bits and pieces of chocolate all scattered over the floor. Beside the junk food, I also make a watermelon fruit punch next to the baby bear. The television cabinet shelves was actually slanted. So I used the packet of chips to camouflage the flaws.

Junk food times

Bubble times (pt 2)

This project is pretty similar to Bubble times. Only two differences is I had change the shape of the tub from oval to rectangular with pink coloured tiles on it.  And I had added a shower curtain to it. This curtain is recycled from clear CD pockets and a few pieces of drinking straws. For the flower vase and the soap dispenser, I used beads.

Bubble times (pt 2)

Pretty pretty mama bear

As for this theme, I have chosen a bigger queen sized bed that I had placed on a wooden two steps platform. The baby bear happily sitting on the bed waiting for mama bear to put on her make up. For this project, I had made a pink dressing table. The frame for the mirror is made using a mold. Whereas the mirror is actually recycled by cutting out a small piece out from a wet tissue packing. Before this I used aluminium foil as the mirror. But it tends to crumble when you cutting it. So wet tissue packing is still the best choice.

I also used small beads to decorate the dressing table. They could be bottles of perfumes, lotions or cosmetic products. It's pretty simple. Just put a bit of small coloured clay into the centre of the hollow bead and a small round one on top of it. So as to make it look like a cover for the bottles. The dressing table stool was made with a matching colour as the table itself.

Pretty pretty mama bear

Saturday 5 May 2012

Bubble times

This project is themed bubble times. I had made a mama bear taking a shower for her baby bear in a big white bathtub. Beside the bathtub is a washing basin with a toothbrush placed in it. The water in the tub is made by silicon gel. The flooring for this project is a bit more difficult and time consuming. Coz same concept as the pink checkered blanket in my Bedtime stories, I have to cut out small squares of blue clay and small squares of white clay. And then I have to combine them and roll them flat before I attach to the white base of the project.

To make it more realistic, I had also included a shower foam dispenser, a small duckling in the tub and a toilet paper on the flooring.

All my creations is handmade without any mold except the flowers, biscuits, ribbons on the bears.

Bubble times

Relaxing times wiz papa bear

My next theme is relaxing times wiz papa bear at the sofa. The baby bear together with the papa bear siting comfortably on a big pink sofa. A small puppy at the corner of the sofa looking at its two masters lovingly. I have also added a lamp and a matching color coffee table.
On the coffee table , I had placed a plate of biscuits. For that extra finishing touch, I had also included a red color vase with lovely sunflowers in it. Maybe it is hard to tell from the pics. I had made a different star designed mat this time. And not to forget the bowl of dog bone behind the coffee table. For more details, please kindly refer to my youtube videos.

Relaxing times wiz papa bear

X'mas times around the fireplace

The next project is papa bear holding a lollipop while standing in front of the warm and cosy fireplace. Whereby the baby bear is siting in his small rocking chair waiting for his favorite lollipop. X'mas present, X'mas stocking, X'mas candy and his blue ball is spread all over the floormat on the wooden-like floor.

X'mas times around the fireplace

Bedtime stories

The second one I had made is bedtime stories by mama bear to baby bear. The background is a wooden bed with a sweet pink checkered blanket and a small doll lying down beside the baby bear. Mama bear sitting beside the bed while holding a book and reading stories to her little one. I also make a floor mat and put a plate of biscuits on it.

Bedtime stories

Lesson times

Gradually, I started to have more ideas. I make my clay stuff by theme. The first project is lesson times whereby teacher rabbit is teaching the baby rabbit. I made the base more bigger and put in at least 2 animals. The height of the rabbit is around the height of my thumb and the whole project is around the size of my palm.

Lesson times

Friday 4 May 2012

My paper clay animals

Then I went on to try making paper clay animals like cats, dogs, rabbits and bears. But it was not three-dimensional. Cute though not unique nor challenging. So I decided to make the bear without using any mold just like how I do my dolls. Again I researched the videos from youtube. All my teachers were from youtube. Of course, initially, I followed the youtube tutorials and made similar ones. Then slowly with a bit of imagination, I managed to re-create my very own style of animals.

My first batch of animals

My first batch of paper clay animals were slightly bigger than the second batch. And the funny thing was that before I could find a suitable fishing line to be used as the whiskers for the cats and rabbits. The clay already dried and hardened. So it was impossible to stick in the fishing line. That's why the cats and rabbits were all missing their whiskers part. Haha......

My second batch of animals

I gradually improved on the second batch of animals. They are much smaller in sizes as compared to the first batch. And each of them comes with a different bases like circle, love or square shape. So that they could sit more stable on the surface. Beside that, I also made some decorative items like carrot, dog bone, Halloween pumpkin, biscuit, cookie, a cup of coffee, mushroom or book for them to hold or simply placed beside the animals.

My paper clay dolls

From cake, I proceeded to making paper clay dolls. Again I scroll through the youtube again for ideas. And thanks to my very supportive husband who has ordered a  lot of molds from Japan which came in useful for my craft making. I normally start my so-called workshop in the afternoon for a few hours. And everytime I finished my craft, my lovely 2 yr old son will come over and say WOW... (basically he still not yet start talking,very limited words). That really made my day......

My paper clay dolls collections

My paper clay cakes (pt 2)

When I first started making these paper clay, I have nothing to work with. Just a pen knife and a glue. Then I started to research from the tutorials on youtube and note down what I will be needing. Then I went around to get all the necessary stuffs like needle tools, slicer, whipped cream, sculpting tools... Also I didn't know what kind of clay I should work with. Coz some brand of polymer clay needs to be baked in a oven to harden it. And some kind of polymer clay just needs to air-dry. I chose the second alternative coz I do not have a oven in my house.

My three-tier cakes

Cakes & swiss rolls

My Mickey collections

My paper clay cakes

Then I started to make paper clay cakes, swiss rolls, three-tier cakes, doughnuts and so on...

An overall of some of my cakes

My paper clay cupcakes

Hi there.... This is the first time I am writing a blog. Maybe a bit messy here and there.Actually I loves to collect miniature cakes, food, animation and so on.... I used to fly to Bangkok and Tokyo so often to buy my miniature stuff. Then one day, I thought to myself. Why don't I make them myself? Maybe I could create my own unique style.

Well, that's how I started making my paper clay cakes, cupcakes, dolls and stuff. Of course, going for lessons on how to make these polymer clay are pretty expensive. So I choose the cheaper alternative. I went through most of the videos and tutorials on youtube on this topic and do my research.

Anyway, below are some pics of my paper clay stuff that I have made......

Cookie monster cupcakes

Elmo cupcakes

Close-up of cookie monster cupcake