Friday 11 April 2014

Miniature Steamboat

The second course I went for is miniature steamboat. Steamboat refers to several East Asian varieties of stew, consisting of a simmering metal pot of stock at the center of the dining table. While the hot pot is kept simmering, ingredients are placed into the pot and are cooked at the table. Typical steamboat dishes include leaf vegetables, mushrooms,prawns, meat, fishcakes, fishballs, artificial crab meat, ham, corns, carrots ... Vegetables, fish and meat should be fresh. The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce. In many areas, steamboat are often eaten in the winter to keep our bodies warm.

Miniature Steamboat

This set of steamboat is what I have learnt in my course. This course took slightly longer times. It was divided into 2 sessions about 3.5 hours per session. 

Lettuce, mushrooms & abalone

After I made my first set of miniature steamboat. I tried to make another set using my teacher's technique combine with my own technique. The 'burnt' texture of the mushrooms was made using a blow torch. Whereas the abalone is made using a rivet. 

Vegetables & mushrooms

Sausages & mushrooms

Artificial crab meat

Fishballs & fishcakes

Roasted pork

Raw ingredients needed for steamboat

Once I have completed making all my raw ingredients, the next stage will be the FUN part. Arranging these ingredients to the metal pot. This second set of steamboat is slightly different from the first set. The corns and broccoli are made differently from what my teacher have taught me. Also I have included in sausages in this set. However, I think I have put too much ingredients into the pot. Overflowing with too much food....Result of my greediness...

Final Result

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