Friday 11 April 2014

Miniature Breakfast

Morning everybody.... Already taken your breakfast? Some nutritional experts have long referred to breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Studies have cited that people who skip breakfast are disproportionately likely to have problems with concentration, metabolism, weight, cardiac and health. 

So no matter how busy or rush you are, please remember to take your breakfast. And I have prepared a yummy miniature breakfast to increase your appetite. Bon appetit.......

Miniature Breakfast

First attempt

My eggs were a bit over-cooked in my first attempt. Considering it as my first try, I was still happy with the result. Everything was handmade except for the tomato canes and plate. 

Second attempt
 The second attempt turned out better than I expected. This time, I could control the coloring of the eggs better. And I also added some mushrooms and strawberries. The sausages are made into a heart shape. 

So how do you like your breakfast to be serve? 

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