Wednesday 5 June 2013

My Miniature Vegetables

The second course that I had attended was polymer clay vegetables. It also took me a month plus to complete the whole vegetables course. Tiring but totally worth it once you see the finished result.

My miniature vegetables
Making vegetables wasn't as easy as I thought. For these 3 months, I have been doing my craft 'homework' till very early in the morning. Coz only after my baby slept, then I can fully concentrate well on my crafts. And moreover, the lighting in my HK house was so dim and yellowish. It really makes crafting difficult. Can't really see small details well enough.

But after moving into my new apartment in Singapore, I was able to have a small room for doing my crafts. I could even display all my craft tools and accessories in my 'workshop'. This really helps. At least it makes it easier for me to get my tools. And best thing is, the room is well lit. In the past, I have to do my crafts on the dining table in the living room. And all my tools are kept in the cabinet. So it is pretty troublesome to bring in and out.

Close up

My miniature vegetables include corns, bell pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, carrots, spring onions, taro, sweet potatoes, potatoes, garlic, onions, cucumbers, bitter gourds, celery, ladyfingers, gingers, tomatoes, eggplants, asparagus, peanuts, chili, mushrooms, lettuce, water chestnuts, chestnuts, lotus roots, radish,snow peas, long beans, turnips, pumpkin, garlic chives, cabbage......The vegetables course covers a wider variety as compared to my fruits course. The result is AWESOME.........

Making vegetables requires a lot more patience and details than making fruits. You have to make the details for the stems of the leafy vegetables as well. Sometimes you might also need to sprinkle some soil like substance or hairy like substance to create a muddy or  hairy like feeling eg. potatoes and turnip. Before this step, you will have to paint the vegetable first so the soil like or hairy like substance then can stick onto the clay.

The corns have many different ways of making. But I did it the harder way. The seeds or kernels on the corn are made one by one. These took me a couple of nights too. Luckily, I do not have to stick the whole corn, only the visible part. Then we will need to do the leaf and base part. 

Shitake mushroom

Fresh mushroom
Mushrooms have a different variety. For me, I think I have done 3 different kinds of mushrooms. Of these 3 kinds, Enoki mushroom also refer to as the 'golden needle mushrooms' in English is the most time-consuming. Coz firstly you need to prepare a lot of long skinny stems. Then make a tiny little button-sized 'cap' for each stems. And  lastly group them into different bundles.


Next, I am gonna show you my leafy vegetables. Though I am more of a meat lover, but I know one must eat vegetables to get the necessary nutrition for a balanced diet. So everyday, my meals will definitely include either meat or fish plus veggies. Since my baby start to eat solid food, he also MUST eat veggies and fruits daily. Start from young. That's what the old generation will say. 


Garlic chives
Spring onions

Finally, I would like to thank my hubby for making my dreams come true. He was the one who encouraged and sponsored me for these 2 polymer clay courses. It was pretty costly including the materials, tools and etc... But I really did enjoyed the whole course. Also I got to know a few good HK friends at the workshop. These 2 baskets is a good memento for me. Bye Bye Hong Kong.......


  1. Hi, I'd like to ask where this workshop is. Do they have a contact or website in Hong Kong?

    If you could let me know, I would very much appreciate it!

    1. This workshop is located at Whampoo Garden in Hung Hom ( HK ). The shop is at basement 1.

  2. Super cool! Your corn is a mind killer! awesome job has been done! I'm impressed. thanks for sharing
