Monday 3 June 2013

My Miniature Fruits

Hi everybody.... It has been a long time since I have update my blog. So sorry.... Have been pretty busy for the last half a year. Coz my husband had been arranged to transfer to Singapore to work and I haven been busy looking for the new apartment, moving the house, looking for a new nursery for my boy and a whole lot of stuff....... Finally now I am settled down in my new environment.... Nice...... Back to my hometown......... 

However, I did manage to spent the last 3 months of my stay in Hong Kong very memorable and happy. I did 2 speedy polymer clay courses. Though it was pretty expensive, but it was all worth it. I had learnt many new things and different techniques. Well, my first course was on polymer clay fruits making. 

My miniature fruits

This basket of miniature fruits took me a month plus to complete.
My speed was pretty fast according to my teacher. She was pretty 
amazed that I could complete 2 different courses within less than 3 months. I went for my lessons almost everyday from Monday to Friday except weekends. Coz weekends is my family bonding day.
A couple of hours at the clay workshop. Then come home to my baby and spent times with him. After he slept in the night, I start to do my crafts. Most of the time, I stayed up till 4 or 5 in the morning. Though it was very tiring, but the end result was GREAT!!!

Close up
My miniature fruits include apples, oranges, pears, pomelo, guava, durian, mangosteen, lychees, longans, rambutans, cherries, strawberries, blueberries, lemons,
watermelon, honey melon, pineapples, nectarines, peaches, papayas, mangoes, dragon fruits, kiwi, star fruits, avocados, grapes, bananas, coconut .......I think I have done most of the fruits I guess..Of all the fruits, the most challenging and time-consuming I would say will be the durian. Durian is one of Asia most popular fruit. We called durian as the King of all fruits. It has a very strong smell. Some may not like it or even find the smell repulsive. While some simply LOVE it just like me!! 

Each and every one of the thorns is made by hand. Just the thorns alone took me a couple of nights to finish. However, when you stick the thorns individually to the main body, you have to do it fast. If not, the polymer clay will dries up and this make it difficult to stick the thorns.

Pineapple is the second most challenging fruit. It took me a lot of time to 'cut' the main body of the pineapple. This definitely requires a lot of practice and patience.

In order to make the fruits more life-like, one should really knows the fruits well. Coz I seldom eats fruits. So basically, I have no idea the details of each individual fruits. Solution to my problem is surf the Net and download all the pictures of all the fruits. Close up view, side view and front view. If not, guess, I have to make a trip myself to the nearest market. 





Rambutans, grapes and pears

After finishing and touching up the fruits, we need some time to allow the colour to dry. Once it is dry, we can then arrange them neatly into the basket. This basket is actually a wedding gift from my parents-in-laws 4 years ago. Lucky for me. I was actually having a headache in choosing a basket for my fruits.Thanks god. While I was packing my house stuff into cartons, I could find this in my cabinet. Lovely basket!!! Thanks papa & mama......

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