Friday 2 November 2012

NEW Figurines (Pt 2)

Here comes the second part of my NEW figurines... Ready guys....

Happy Halloween guys...This witch is made for the coming Halloween Day. However, this post was a bit too late I guess. Sorry....This witch is sitting on a piece of wooden log and holding her magical broom. Exhausted from flying, she is taking a short break...haha....

Babies in animals suit
These babies are custom made for my dear sister-in-law as presents. At first, I only did the baby in the cow suit and posted it onto my facebook. And my sister-in-law saw this picture. She love my baby cow. That's why she requested me to make baby rat, sheep, dog, pig and rabbit. It was pretty simple. And I am pretty satisfied with the end result. How do you think?

The Clown
 This clown is slightly different as compared to the clown that I had made in the previous post. Two different colour of clay can really make the clown costume stand out. I myself was shocked too. Ummm... 

Exactly the same as the clown above but only different in the colour. And add a bit of glitters on the collar only. Makes it look better....

NEW version of the Clowns

This is the first time that I had made a figurine in this posture (laid down). Of course, I had learnt all these from the books and clay magazines. Just the checkered prints on the dress, shorts and the socks took me a long time. But thanks god. I finally made it.... Still not that bad I hope.. 

Have you ever heard of the story Little Red Riding Hood when you were small. This is Little Red Riding RAT with a protruding big tummy!!! haha.....Well, time to say bye bye from now... It's pretty late now... Almost 4 o'clock in the morning in HK...Gotta go and grab my beauty sleep soon. Have a nice weekend with your loved ones......

Little Red Riding RAT

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